Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Met & The Guggenheim

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is HUGE.

We started with a guided tour it went by really quick but definitely did not get to see enough. After the tour we had about two hours to roam around the museum.

I found The Jasper Johns: Gray exhibition to be very interesting. At first I was not so impressed the first images I saw was the False Start right next to Jubilee I automatically thought that the rest of the exhibit would be a color images then duplicated with black and white hues. OH but I was so wrong. Johns uses a series of objects, letters, numbers or words. He has the same image made in different mediums. He uses pastels, charcoal, powdered graphite, lithography, ink, and collage. He made his own paint with hot wax and pigment. With his wax paint each stroke is then permanently set because it dries quickly. After taking Lithography course last term I found great appreciation for his lithographs one of his lithos was made with 11 stones, that's insane. I enjoyed the esthetic of the ink on plastic images they looked as if they were still wet and runny, this had a rushed feel for it, as if it is still not finished. I enjoyed this exhibit very much.

4 Years ago today I was in Egypt it was great to see the Egyptian exhibition in remembrance of the amazing time i had there with my brother.
I definitely did not have enough time to see the whole museum.

The Guggenheim is TIGHT.
Cia Guo- Qiangs exhibit I Want To Believe is so astounding
I had no clue what to expect. Right when I first walked in I was so impressed by all the bright colors from the cars hanging in the center of the building. As time passed and the more and more I looked at the centerpiece, the more I didn’t like it. It reminded me of something that would be in a mall, I did not like that there was a “normal” car at the bottom and top. I would of liked the bottom car to be destroyed or maybe not even there.
This piece did evoke that split second feeling when adrenaline rush hits, the split second when you decide to fight or flight, that sudden urge when you get a split heat rush from your stomach to your head. That is what the flashing lights reminded me of.
To go along with my fight of flight theme, I noticed that the tigers were fighting or defending them selves before getting hit with all the arrows, and the wolves were running away. I really enjoyed Cia’s work

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