Thursday, May 1, 2008

The Sculpture Center

I was not really sure what to expect, specially after walking out of the subway and walking a few blocks and then Kartz calling SC to see if we were going the right direction, I was skeptical by the surroundings we were in, it was a lot different from the other museums we had visited.
To my surprise the Sculpture Center was not at all crowded and rushed it was a open space, once use to be a trolley repair shop. The building interior was ancient but the space works for the center. In the main part was Tom Burr’s ‘Addict Love’ exhibit. Thank god for the tour guide other wise I would of not understood any of his work. Tom Burr’s work is very minimal all his work had some background history relating to Chick Austin, Gertrude Stein Frank Ohera and Robert Raushenberg. His work is very simple and if not knowing what it all means its boring but if one knows that relevance it becomes quite interesting to most, but not to me ha. Im not really into sculpture I just don’t understand it I guess. His piece that I did like was the one depicting bodies in a geometric form, the three black folded pieces of board. Each figure had magazine clippings, one had images of alcohol called bent booze the other called hinged haze and the other propped perfume. They were all high class alcohol and perfumes he really liked showing off these expensive brands.

The down stairs was absolutely insane their even was of my own interpretation a doggie heaven or a entrance to heaven, only because it starts out with dozens of vacuum cleaners going off when pulling on a lever, then after walking past the vacumes you are illuminated by different circles of light and random toys. By far insane, I had fun down there.

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